Going Fishing

Okay I know it has been awhile since  I posted a new challenge.  I’m still waiting to here back from several people on the last one. So if you have not yet logged in with your results please let me know how you are doing. You’ll make my day!
Your next assignment ..if you choose to accept it,  is getting one extra serving of fish this week. If you are not already eating fish a few times a week start with at least  one,  If you already eat fish regularly that’s great,  my challenge to you is to eat one more.
If you need an idea for a quick main dish made with tuna I’ll post one on the ‘fuel your body’ page.
Most people have heard by now that they need Omega 3’s. But many still don’t get the recommended amount.
Omega 3 positively impacts so many facets of health. Check out the short article here to learn why  you need it, and what food to include in your meal plan to help increase your intake.
Look Good Feel Good Live Better!
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